Each day I drive an average of 70 km (43.5 miles) round trip to church. Because of the side streets and location of our home to the highway, the average one way drive lasts 45 minutes. As a result, I have taken the opportunity to pack my
MP3 player with tons of material for the drive (gargabe in, garbage out). I've spent an average of 36 hrs./month on the road or sitting in traffic ~ as a result, my richest learning so far in life has occurred.
Here's a shortlist of what's gone down so far:
- "The History of Christianity I" taught by
Dr. Frank James III of Reformed Theological Seminary (33 classes)
- "Humanity, Christ, and Redemption" taught by
Dr. Robert Peterson of Covenant Theological Seminary (38 classes)
- Various talks gathered from
Together for the Gospel,
Acts 29 Church Planting Network,
Desiring God Conferences, etc.
Most recently and currently playing on the Sansa E260:
- "Old Testament History" taught by
Dr. V. Philips Long (36 classes), formerly of Covenant Theological Seminary and currently at Regent College in Vancouver, BC
- One of the most incredible sermons on "
the Holiness of God" that I have heard yet, preached by
C.J. Mahaney ~ kudos to Adrian Warnock for reposting "old sermons" (though I sure don't think it's that old)
Maria Kliegel playing J.S. Bach's Cello Suite No.1 in G Major (BWV 1007)
My Sansa's my new best friend . . . until my FM transmitter begins to act up.