Friday, June 26, 2009

Gender Wars

Does the Bible have anything to say about gender or gender roles? I thought Genesis 2 was sufficient - man and woman, man created as incomplete and in need of help; equal nature and likeness but distinct in gender roles (man is neither more/pig or less/spineless).

One recent argument I read pits the doctrine of the trinity against itself: a hierarchial view of the trinity VERSUS a mutuality view of the trinity. On top of this would be the less than sola scriptura hermeneutic which presupposes certain 1st century Palestianian household codes (as found in Ephesians 5, Colossians 3 and 1 Peter 2) were used to structure family businesses for maximum profitability. Hence, lateral movement of such principles would violate biblical principles - family as business? Also, to superimpose such principles would simple reflect the fallen nature of humanity; hence, egalitarianism.

I know, I'm the dumb guy . . . here it goes. God is the Father - the Son refers to Him as such and relates to Dad as such (hierarchy?). Nowhere in the Bible do I see a conspiracy theory where the Holy Spirit takes lead in the Trinity either . . . that I know of. Aside from the fact that the Son is okay with the knowledge of certain events known exclusively only by the Father. Just as a note, I am not a subordinationist (members of the trinity are less than one another in nature and essence - this heresy would suggest that God is the nose tackle, Jesus is the linebacker, the Holy Spirit is the free safety ~ in terms of power structure) . . . I hold to what Millard Erikson describes as "economic subordination" ~ one godhead existing eternally in three persons, all three persons (hypostasis) of the trinity are equal in substance (ousia) but distinguished by their roles (economic).

As far as the family household code/family business protocol . . . yikes. Husbands are to be the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church. Isn't Paul just reflecting on the headship as taught in Genesis 2? Is that analogy a business model? Is Jesus the CEO/CFO of the "biz"? What the freak? So Paul's take on wives and husbands, children and parents, slaves and masters . . . not unpacking a certain power structure that needs to be maintained in order for harmony to occur? I'm seriously confused. If anything, this is a good example of prima scriptura . . . starting point is something in addition to the bible, not just the bible itself. A different kind of fidelity - faithfulness to the bible . . . kinda . . . and a bunch of smart dudes with degrees . . . and views that can only be afforded by a western nation that finances it's institutions towards neo-radical liberalism. I think.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

JI Packer Gets the Boot

"From that time on Jesus began to preach, 'Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near'." (Matthew 4.17 NIV)

JI Packer was recently kicked out of the Anglican Church of Canada when he told his denomination to repent of their sin of condoning same-sex marriage. Because they did not repent, Packer went on to call them heretics. Now, for some of us, this is a big and weighty word with power behind it. Mark Driscoll asked Packer, “Why did you call them heretics?” This is Packer’s response (paraphrased by Driscoll):

Heretics don’t call people to repent of sin . . . all you need to do to be a heretic is accommodate sin, tolerate sin, bless sin, sanction sin, excuse sin, not oppose sin . . . the first word of the gospel is ‘repent’ that is what Jesus preached. Anyone who does not call their people to repent, does not love them, does not love the Lord, does not love the word.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

John Piper's Panel Quotes

Some great insight and wisdom from Pastor John Piper's response to Stephen Um's question "How do you apply/emphasize a word-based ministry in your local church besides merely preaching?" (ala The Gospel Coalition 2009 Conference).

"[speaking to preachers] lead by teaching . . . I'm breaking my back not to be the authority in this church . . . get your nose in this book [the Bible] . . . don't hover over text [e.g. drawing attention constantly to yourself, your stories, your authority, your analysis, your insight, your psychology, etc.], land in the text."

The authority of God is found and established in God's word . . . nothing else (e.g. narrative, current events, stupid jokes, blather, etc.) . . . hence, the primacy of God's Word - sola Scriptura.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Kim Jong IL - E Harmony

"you throw and then in the hole . . ."

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Evangelism Without Proclamation

William Booth the founder of the Salvation Army "insightfully remarked" (prophesied) of a false gospel that would be preached in the twentieth century. He warned of "a generation that would accept a gospel that preached a faith without repentance, religion without the Holy Spirit, a salvation without Lordship and a Christianity without Christ." Unfortunately, that description fits most of the churches I know. God help us . . . Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me.

"There is a tendency in some quarters today to promote a kind of evangelism without proclamation. Acts of service done or people are invited to experience Christian worship. But without words of explanation these are like signposts pointing nowhere or, worse still, signposts point to our good works. The gospel is good news - a message to be proclaimed, a truth to be taught, a word to be spoken, and a story to be told."

(page 54, "Total Church" by Tim Chester and Steve Timmis)

Saturday, June 06, 2009

When in doubt, "TAP OUT!"

Not to be confused with Sensei Gene Lebell's mantra, "When in doubt, choke 'em out!" The following is a tribue to bad boy PK at UPenn. You will forever be "That Freak of Nature"! I don't even remember what happened. I think it was an arm bar . . . or Kimura . . . or Americana . . . don't remember much since you were beet red in freaking pain. Anyhow, here's the 411 in case that ever happens again. Call it BJJ gone bad, I was careful. And, for reals, I'm sorry mang. Peace.