Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What is Multi-Level Marketing?

Otherwise known as "MLM" or "Network Marketing", what is "Multi-level Marketing" anyways? I have heard it described as "the business concept: burn friends for business partners." Recently I found a insightful article revealing the "gospel-like" qualities of MLM and it's practitioners.

Four issues (called "problems") are dealt with:

- Market Saturation
- Pyramid Structure
- Morality and Ethics
- Relationship Issues

Click here for the "deal on the schpeal."

Why am I giving airtime to MLM? Simply because there is an increasing number of those from within my social network who are now double dipping their wage earning potential by hobby horsing on the side as MLM disciples. This grieves me deeply . . . 12 Gauge deep, not the Cheney bird shot type . . . I'm dreaming "slugs".

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