In addition to the primary references found in 1 Timothy 3.1 - 7 and Titus 1.5 - 9, Mark Driscoll and Gerry Breshears includes the following practical framework when selecting biblical elders (e.g. teaching elders/pastors, church planters, ruling elders, etc.) to oversee the local church:
- examine his family
- examine his financial giving to the church
- examine his performance at work
- examine his relationship with people outside the church
- examine his service in the church
- examine his spiritual gifts
- examine his ministry passions
- examine anything and everything else realted to his conversion, calling, character, courage and comptency
Both writes also suggest "appoint slowly and terminate quickly. Too many churches appoint quickly and terminate slowly, which is devasting to church unity and momentum."
(page 71, "Vintage Church" by Driscoll & Breshears)
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