Thursday, June 18, 2009

JI Packer Gets the Boot

"From that time on Jesus began to preach, 'Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near'." (Matthew 4.17 NIV)

JI Packer was recently kicked out of the Anglican Church of Canada when he told his denomination to repent of their sin of condoning same-sex marriage. Because they did not repent, Packer went on to call them heretics. Now, for some of us, this is a big and weighty word with power behind it. Mark Driscoll asked Packer, “Why did you call them heretics?” This is Packer’s response (paraphrased by Driscoll):

Heretics don’t call people to repent of sin . . . all you need to do to be a heretic is accommodate sin, tolerate sin, bless sin, sanction sin, excuse sin, not oppose sin . . . the first word of the gospel is ‘repent’ that is what Jesus preached. Anyone who does not call their people to repent, does not love them, does not love the Lord, does not love the word.

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